Cod and cauliflower paella

12 March 2021 Off By javitohc

Virgin olive oil 300ml | Onion 200g | Tender garlic 100g | Dried garlic 40g | Cauliflower 1000 g | Desalted cod 500g | Paprika 30g | Grated tomato 100g | Rice 1000g | Vegetable stock 3’500l | Salt 40g | Saffron 0.5g

Desalt the cod the day before in plenty of water. Change the water once
Sauté the onion and garlic in a frying pan, set aside
Arrange the paella, add the oil
Brown the cauliflower
Add the onion and garlic
Sauté the dried garlic
Lightly fry the paprika
Fry the grated tomato
Lightly fry the cod
Lightly fry the rice
add the stock
Add saffron and check the salt
Cook 14-20 ‘depending on the chosen rice